Clean Sweep Chimney Service was founded in 1977, and is the recipient of several industry awards. - Call us today! 636-477-9966
Clean Sweep Chimney Service

4004 Emerald Drive
St. Charles, MO 63304

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Clean Sweep Chimney Service


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Clean Sweep Newsletter 2008


It finally happened - a real winter. The past several years' cooler weather started late and summer seemed to never end. The difference was winter stayed around, lots of snow days for the kids and lots of traffic problems for the adults. A night hardly went by where the smell of wood smoke was not drifting in the air.

The downside for many homeowners was chimney fires and carbon monoxide problems from gas. Many think that a set of gas logs make fireplace life easier - and it does from a use standpoint. However, that easy-to-use set of gas logs still has all of the maintenance issues of wood, and a few more from a safety standpoint. In this newsletter we will try to help dispel some myths about natural gas.

Soon we will be offering energy audits for your home. A sampling of our services includes entire home audits, window and insulation evaluation, and Infrared Thermal Imaging. Our Thermal Imaging technology can help find air leakage problems in your home. It also can help find electrical problems, moisture problems, and a host of other issues related to your home's safety and design.

Look for a few energy tips in this newsletter as well as the usual chimney stuff. I hope you take time to read through this year's newsletter. It's guaranteed to save you money! We will also be starting an online newsletter. If you're interested in receiving this offer just call the office or give the service person at the time of your appointment your email address.

Speaking of saving money, our newsletter is your reminder to save big and set your appointment for off-season savings. Our standard rate starting at the end of August will be $199.00 to $250.00, but if you act now your wait will be less, and you will get our flat rate of only $164.00 for a standard sweeping and inspection.

As always Thank You for helping us be the oldest Chimney Service in the state. Without our wonderful customers we would not exist! Every year I realize how lucky I am to get to do something I enjoy - and it's all because of our customers.